Sticky note is a friendly, easy to use and customizable application. This is the most usable application that is used daily to keep the information. It is sticky so it can be used without any interruption while working on your system. This is available for all the platforms like Windows, Linux and MacOS. For windows you can download and install it as a normal software. But for Linux, and MacOS, you will have to install it using the terminal. Today, we will install Sticky Note in Ubuntu 21.

Before proceeding the installation, please make sure you have the below requirements.
- Ubuntu 20.04.2 or later version (As an Operating System)
- An Ubuntu user with Sudo Privileges
- A terminal and command-line access
Add APT Repository of Sticky Note
At the initial step, you will have to add the APT repository. Actually the package is not available in the Ubuntu software store. Hence, you will need to add it first.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:umang/indicator-stickynotes
It will prompt a confirmation while adding the package.

In the next step, you will have to update the Ubuntu package system.
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Update Ubuntu Package System
In the terminal hit the below command. This will update the system after adding the new package.
sudo apt-get update
If you have Ubuntu 20 or later then no need to add apt-get. It will be working with apt only.

In the next step, we will install the Sticky note.
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Install Sticky Note in Ubuntu
For installing the application hit the below command in the terminal.
sudo apt install indicator-stickynotes
Allow the installation prompt, wait till it finishes.

That’s it. Now, you can search for the sticky notes in the system.
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We installed the Sticky notes in the Ubuntu. This package is not available in the Ubuntu software package system. Hence, you need to add the APT repository and then the installation can be proceeded. That’s it for this post. Thank you.
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