When you want to create the login with Twitter in Laravel 8, you will require the socialite package. This package will allow interacting with the social account login using OAuth. In this entire authorization of Twitter login, the security things are managed by the OAuth system. It makes a secure authentication between the project and […]
Create LinkedIn Login in Laravel 8 Using Socialite
You can create a LinkedIn login for your web application using the socialite package in Laravel 8. LinkedIn provides the OAuth login for user authentication. The entire process is handled by the LinkedIn app. You will require to create an app in the LinkedIn Developer Console. The login with LinkedIn will manage by this app. […]
Create Socialite Login with Google Account in Laravel 8
By using the socialite package, you can create functionality for login with google in Laravel 8. In our previous tutorial, I already created the Facebook login in Laravel 8 using socialite. Similarly, you can create the Google login functionality. The Google login authenticates the user using OAuth. After the successful login, it will return the […]
How to Create Facebook Login in Laravel 8 Using Socialite
When you are creating an authentication for the user login then you always take care of secure login. Generally, you create an email or username and a password for the login. Sometimes, you need to store the login session in the browser storage to maintain the login state of the user. But, what if you […]
How to Schedule Tasks with Cron Job in Laravel 8
You can create a Cron job in Laravel for task scheduling. Generally, a cron executes the scheduled task at the specified time interval. This will process the task and execute it. It will trigger automatically to finish the execution. When you are on the live server, there is the option to create a cron job. […]
Import and Export CSV and Excel File in Laravel 8
Most of the time you work on any E-commerce application or any kind of ERP. In that case, sometimes, you require to import export excel and CSV files for the data. For the E-commerce application, you want to add bulk products at the same time. So, the manual entry of the products and it’s relevant […]
How to Generate PDF File in Laravel 8 Using DOM PDF
In Laravel, you have access to third-party packages because of the composer. Using composer, you can install any package in Laravel. The composer provides the package dependencies in PHP. Here, we’ll be talking about the Laravel DOM PDF. This is an open-source package available on Github to generate the PDF. By using this package, you […]
RESTful APIs For Todo App Using Passport Auth in Laravel 8
Laravel passport authentication provides the authentication token to authorize the HTTP requests. It is most important to check the authorized requests in any API. Laravel passport is one of the secure API authentication packages. It uses Client Id and Client Secret to generate the token. Then using the token, you can validate the authorized requests. […]
How to Implement Invisible reCAPTCHA in Laravel 8
While submitting a form it is required to validate the data and the form submission. But, what if any bot or program will submit the form automatically without any human interaction? That time it will hamper the application by submitting the form again and again. This can be prevented using captcha in Laravel. There are […]
Create Authentication in Laravel 8 Using Laravel Breeze
User authentication is always a challenging part of any application. But, if you are using Laravel then no need to worry. There are lots of packages are available in Laravel for authentication. After releasing the Laravel 8, one most powerful feature has been added for authentication. The package is Jetstream. You can use Jetstream with […]
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