In Laravel 6 the file upload is much more secure than the normal file upload in a PHP script. Laravel file upload provides the proper validation before uploading the files. Basically, in the file upload concept, Laravel moves files from the tmp directory to the public directory of the project folder, which is accessible by […]
Laravel 6 CRUD Application For Beginners
Laravel 6 CRUD application will contain the approach to create and use the Insert, Select, Update, and Delete functionalities. You can build your own advanced applications by using this concept in Laravel 6. Laravel has several inbuilt features that make it more secure, robust, and authentic to our application. Before moving to the Laravel 6 […]
How to Install Laravel 6 in Windows and Ubuntu
This is my first post on the Laravel 6 series. From, today, I will be posting the tutorials on the most popular PHP framework. Recently, the laravel has released the latest version which is Laravel 6. It is more robust and secure. Currently, it is released in the LTS (long term support). That means the […]
Check Email Available in PHP MySQL Using jQuery and Ajax
Email availability checking is not a difficult task in PHP if you are using Ajax. Yes, this is absolutely right. Using ajax and jQuery, we can check if email exists in the database while creating an account with email. That means the email that is going to be saved in the database is already exists. […]
How to Implement jQuery Datatable in PHP with MySQL
jQuery provides a very powerful feature which is called datatable. The datatable is an open-source plugin provided by the jQuery. Basically, in a bootstrap table or HTML table, there is no option to sort the data according to the column. No search option and no other options. Simply the table is used to display the […]
PHP Import CSV File Data into MySQL Database with Preview
We can import the CSV files in PHP and store it into the database. The CSV (Comma-Separated Value) data can be imported easily using PHP Import CSV procedure. When we have a bunch of data to insert it into the database, then, in that case, inserting records one by one is very time-consuming. So to […]
Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload in PHP Using Dropzone js
If you want to upload multiple files in PHP then you will require to read the files in the form of an array. It will push file one by one from the source path to the destination path using the loop. But in this case, you cannot achieve the simplicity of the file upload. You […]
PHP File Upload Using jQuery and Ajax
When we upload the files in PHP it means we move the files from one location to another. Generally, if we talk about the PHP file upload, then we know that in every request of the client to the server, the server returns the response with the required data. So, in case of PHP file […]
Dropdown Selection Filter in PHP Using jQuery Ajax
When you have multiple dropdowns and each dropdown has dependent value based on the selection of other dropdowns. This may be an obscure approach to filter values in each dropdown dynamically. In this post, I am here with the dropdown value filter based on another dropdown. During this step, the form will be refreshed without […]
Load Data From MySQL Database in PHP Using jQuery Ajax
The jQuery Ajax call will load the data from the database or from any file without refreshing the entire page. Using jQuery Ajax call the data loads asynchronously. This means the multiple functions can be executed at the same time not one by one. This is only possible by using Ajax. It optimizes the speed […]